

Manage your online reputation with CircleOne. Whether it’s a Facebook post or a tweet respond instantly to your customers. Add social media as a channel for customer interaction and manage them on the same interface.
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Multi channel
Manage multiple channels of social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn on a single interface. Unify all your social media activity centrally to manage your online reputation. Central repository to view your brand image on social media.
Convert posts to tickets
Convert the messages or posts to tickets. Critical for businesses today to keep a track of issues raised on social media. It’s a necessity to ensure that social media messages get tracked and resolved in the shortest possible time.
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Handling social media is a specialised skill and requires expertise. Ensure that social media posts or messages do not get delayed due to delays in assignment to the right team member. Intelligent routing allows social media posts to reach the right team without any delays.
Real Time Conversation
Be quick to respond on real time channels like Facebook messenger. Lead the conversation with your customer to address their support issues or to guide your prospects with the relevant product information
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